
  1. During term three of the MFRE program, students undertake a Graduating Project in which they apply the concepts and skills they’ve acquired in their courses during term one and two. Read more to learn about some examples of Graduating Projects that focused on research this year.

  2. During term 3 of the MFRE program, students undertake a Graduating Project in which they apply the concepts and skills they’ve acquired in their courses during term one and two. Read more to find out what types of business management and consulting projects happened this year.

  3. This year was Yves Potvin as a speaker. Founder of Yves Veggie Cuisine and Gardein Protein International, now owner of the Pacific Institute of Culinary Art in Vancouver.

  4. In Term 3 of the MFRE program, students undertake a Graduating Project throughout the summer, where students get to apply their newly acquired skills in the real world. Graduating Projects reflect potential positions where an MFRE could pursue a career.

  5. This month CBC wrote an article on how British Columbia took the lead in Canada on applying a carbon tax without having an economic drawback.

  6. MFRE Professor Sumeet Gulati comments on how to make electric cars accessible and affordable.

  7. For many years now, companies like Uber and Lyft have tried to enter British Columbia without success. These companies, referred to as Transportation Network Services (TNS), have been long sought out for by the citizens in the province.

  8. Positive Externalities is a podcast produced by the Master of Food and Resource Economics Student Club. Episode 4 – Agricultural Land Valuation: A Conversation with Brian Smith, BC Assessment.